

For Time

6 Rounds of:
15 calorie SkiErg
15 Burpees

Rest 5 minutes

Directly into, 3 Rounds of:
30 Wall Ball Shots (4/6 KG)
500 meter Row

Time Cap: 50 minutes

With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work. LUTHER consists of 2 parts that you should complete one after another. Between part A and part B – you have 5 minutes rest.

Your Score is the time on the clock when the last round of the 500 meter Row is completed.

Tips and Strategy: Part A includes 6 rounds of 15 calorie SkiErg combined with 15 Burpees. The Burpees are crucial here, do them at moderate! After this part, rest for 5 minutes.

Part B consists of 3 rounds of 30 Wall Ball Shots and 500 meter Row. This is a sprint. Find a swift pace for Rowing and divide the Wall Ball Shots into 2-3 sets at the most.

Scaling Options: Scale by decreasing Part A from 6 to 3 rounds and Part B by cutting the reps in half.