

AMRAP in 20 minutes

5-10-15-20-25 calorie Row
10-20-30-40-50 Wall Ball Shots (4/6 KG)

Holly is a 20 minute AMRAP that consist of 5 rounds that each combine the exercises and reps of A) and B). In the first round, you Row 5 calories followed by 10 Wall Ball Shots. In the second round you Row 10 calories followed by 20 Wall Ball Shots. Repeat this until you’ve reached 25 calories on the Rower and 50 Wall Ball Shots. For the remaining time start from the beginning (5 calorie Row and 10 Wall Ball Shots).

Your Score is the total number of repetitions completed before the 20-minute clock stops.

Scaling Option: Reducing the rounds from 5 to 3 and by skipping every other rep: A) 5-15-15 cal Row and B) 10-30-50 Wall Ball Shots.