

For Load & For Time

Part A
5 Rounds for Load
8 Bench Presses
8 Deadlifts
8 Back Squats

Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Part B
10 Rounds for Time
250 meter Row
25 meter Burpee Broad Jumps
25 Sit-Ups

Time Cap: 40 minutes

Part A Establish a load where you can perform the prescribed reps for each movement unbroken. Once weight is established, perform 5 rounds of 8 Bench Presses, 8 Deadlifts, and 8 Back Squats. Rest 3 minutes after each round.

Part B With a running clock, perform the prescribed work in the order written for 10 rounds. Your have 40 minutes to complete the workout.

Your Score: Score A is the heaviest load successfully lifted for each of the movements unbroken. Score B is the time on the clock when the last round of Sit-Ups are complete.

Tips and Strategy: Part A is a pure strength circuit. Pick a weight that allows you to complete 8 unbroken reps of each exercise with good form. There should be little to no rest between transitions. After each round, rest for 3 minutes.

For Part B you should find a pace that you are able to maintain for the entire 10 rounds. The time cap for Part B is 40 minutes.

Scaling Options: You can scale TIMBERLAKE by decreasing to half of the reps for Part A and from 10 to 5 rounds for Part B.